- Участник SKY CG
- Название работы МП-4-10 ENERGY CONSULTING
- Конкурс / номинация МП-4 Иллюстрация
- Рекламодатель ООО "ЭНЕРДЖИ КОНСАЛТИНГ - Менеджмент"
- Авторы Мария Заикина
- Перевод Consultants or bankers quite often look in just-business way. Some of them regard design as a potentially dangerous thing (like sex), take too many precautions and making the whole thing predictable and boring.
We suggested not to take a common B2B client for some timid, poor-hearted human being deprived of fantasy. Instead, we supposed that he (or she) should be glad to receive a bright thing. People buy bright things in shops: and so they do in business. - Описание проекта Новый иллюстративный стиль для печатных и дигитальных рекламных материалов ENERGY CONSULTING. Труд, знания и опыт Энерджи Консалтинг приносят яркий урожай своих плодов.